
Monday, January 24, 2011

Rain Gear

     Picture this, you’re happily riding along and suddenly a burst of rain falls down from the skies. Without warning other motorcyclists in panic try to search for shade in a hurry, while others hide under the bridges. But what if you’re in the middle of nowhere then there is no choice but to get wet and put yourself under the danger of hypothermia.

Rain Gear by Komine

     When I go for the ride I usually carry my rain gear in my back pack. The good old rain coat usually works well. If your buying a rain coat then buy one that is one size bigger or try it out first with your riding gear on so yo can see if your comfortable or not. You can also buy rain shoes so your shoes don’t get wet( if you don't have water proof ones), as for your gloves you can buy those plastic wet gloves from the gardening section. Pick the one that is one size larger than your glove say your glove is medium then pick the large size or better yet try them on first if it fits with your gloves. Believe me you don’t want to get you leather gloves wet and not to mention your socks, both of them will smell pretty much the same like rotten cheese.
Rain! Rain! Go away! These two ninjas want to play!
     I've also seen people just put on garbage bags on themselves to protect them from rain, I guess looking like trash is better than ending up wet and soggy. If your going this route then just get yourself the old trash bag and store it in your pocket, when rain comes you can just punch holes in the bag and wear them. They're not too shabby but definitely out of style well who cares if it keeps you dry anyways.

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