
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Paying attention on the road

    How many times have the teacher yelled at the students busy chattering and not minding the lectures at the blackboard. Coincidentally, the same students flunk the periodical test when it happens. In riding your motorcycle the road requires attention, the moment you lose it means you risk yourself to accidents. If your mind is busy at something else and all of a sudden you don’t see the car in front applying the brakes, then it is your fault for not paying attention to the road.

Here are some things that will make you lose your attention:

Not feeling well or sick.
     If you’re not feeling well or you are sick, then it’s time to give up on riding a motorcycle for the day and give your body that much needed rest. If you do force the issue then you put yourself and others at risk as your body will be slow to react on the things you might encounter along the road.

A problem at home or at work.

    One of the reasons some riders are caught by surprise in a road accident is because there mind was not on the road but on the problems they are currently facing. When riding, always empty the mind and focus on the road, problems will have to wait until you get home or at the office if you don’t want to add another problem of being in an accident.

    Let’s face it women are beautiful to look at. I have seen riders tailing other vehicles relentlessly just to take a peek at them or throw a whistle with some girl on the sidewalk. The next thing you know they hit something hard like a road sign or another vehicle. Funny as it sounds these things do happen so always keep your eyes on the road!

Alcohol and drugs

Let’s face it it’s impossible to focus when your drunk or on high with drugs. How many times have we often heard the news about a drunk driver speeding and ending up with a crash, drugs are no exception either. These harmful substances need to be avoided when riding your motorcycle as they hamper your judgment on the road. Don’t drink and drive, if you do drink then don’t drive it’s that simple now repeat these lines 100 times.

Here is a funny video clip I got from youtube in the movie "the sweetest thing" If I was the rider in the clip, I'll try so hard to ignore them. . ^^,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Riding for the first time

Before riding on any motorcycle please wear your best crash gear first. A list of proper riding gear can be found here. If you want to learn how to ride a motorcycle the best place for you to learn would be to enroll yourself in a motorcycle riding school. If there is none near at your place then practice at a controlled environment such as an empty parking lot with someone who knows and rides a motorcycle.
Welcome new rider
Have someone to teach you the basics such as twisting the throttle, changing gears, applying the brakes, how to turn and use the turn signals, using the side mirror, reading road signs and traffic rules of the road. Riding a motorcycle can be quite a challenge as it is often stereotype as “dangerous” and a lot of times you’d be ask to just get a car because they believe its safer but in my opinion it’s the same thing, if your not careful and patient in riding either vehicle then your sure to find yourself in trouble.

Wear bright reflective vest for added safety
If its your first time on a motorcycle a lot of people would probably ask “have you ridden a bike before?”. Basically a bike and a motorcycle have some things in common but they are also worlds apart from each other.  On a bike you learn how to balance and you maintain that balance by peddling on the bike and giving it some speed. On a motorcycle it’s the same thing but instead of using your legs we use the clutch and the throttle. The clutch is a mechanism used to change the gear on the motorcycle and the throttle gives it gas. On automatic motorcycles, usually scooters; they don’t have the clutch lever on the left handle bar and the gears automatically slip in place. The same thing with the bicycle, a motorcycle have brakes for the rear wheel and the front wheel, be sure to locate it before actually twisting that throttle.

Rider wearing reflective taping for added visibility
 In a week or two practice on throttle control and braking in place, observe how other motorist use the road, you can also learn a lot by doing this. By this time you should have your driver’s license already but if you still don’t have it then avoid going on the public roads. If you feel you are ready to hit the road then do so at your own pace, I suggest you wear a bright reflective vest or reflective taping in addition to your crash gear for added safety on the road. I wish you the best of luck in your first step to becoming a responsible rider. Do not be pressured to go fast by other riders but instead try to observe how you ride your motorcycle and find ways to better improve yourself. Ride safe and always practice defensive driving.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rain Gear

     Picture this, you’re happily riding along and suddenly a burst of rain falls down from the skies. Without warning other motorcyclists in panic try to search for shade in a hurry, while others hide under the bridges. But what if you’re in the middle of nowhere then there is no choice but to get wet and put yourself under the danger of hypothermia.

Rain Gear by Komine

     When I go for the ride I usually carry my rain gear in my back pack. The good old rain coat usually works well. If your buying a rain coat then buy one that is one size bigger or try it out first with your riding gear on so yo can see if your comfortable or not. You can also buy rain shoes so your shoes don’t get wet( if you don't have water proof ones), as for your gloves you can buy those plastic wet gloves from the gardening section. Pick the one that is one size larger than your glove say your glove is medium then pick the large size or better yet try them on first if it fits with your gloves. Believe me you don’t want to get you leather gloves wet and not to mention your socks, both of them will smell pretty much the same like rotten cheese.
Rain! Rain! Go away! These two ninjas want to play!
     I've also seen people just put on garbage bags on themselves to protect them from rain, I guess looking like trash is better than ending up wet and soggy. If your going this route then just get yourself the old trash bag and store it in your pocket, when rain comes you can just punch holes in the bag and wear them. They're not too shabby but definitely out of style well who cares if it keeps you dry anyways.